Porting a Go CLI tool to Web Assembly
In this blog post I’ll show how to run a golang command line application locally with a web assembly (WASM) runtime.
The current release candidate of go 1.21 adds an experimental port of the Web Assembly System Interface (WASI). While the go compiler could compile to WASM before, only the Javascript target was supported, which was targeting browsers.
WASI enables a WASM application to access operating-system features like files and sockets, while being independet of browsers. This allows to compile a go application to WASM and to run it with a WASM runtime like wasirun.
In theory, when your app is compiled to WASM/WASI you only need a WASM runtime on your target system. It’s similar to Java and the JVM - write once, run anywhere. WASM is supported by languages like C/C++, C#, Rust, Go, Zig and many, many more.
While I already used Web Assembly to run C++ code targeted for the Arduino micro controller in the browser (see the JLed example and FastLED example here), in the following, I’ll show how to port a go command line application (my rabtap tool, a RabbitMQ client, ~9.8kLoC) to WASM.
Install go 1.21
First we need go 1.21 installed. As I started this, go 1.21 was not yet released
officially so I used gotip. Gotip
loads and runs the latest version of go from the development tree. Just use
the gotip
command where you would otherwise call go
$ go install golang.org/dl/gotip@latest
$ gotip download
$ gotip version
go version devel go1.21-261e267 Sat Jun 17 19:02:45 2023 +0000 linux/amd64
Compile for WASM/WASI
Next lets try to compile the app for GOOS=waspi1
and GOARCH=wasm
$ cd cmd/rabtap && GOOS=wasip1 GOARCH=wasm gotip build -o ../../bin/rabtap-wasm
# github.com/sirupsen/logrus
undefined: isTerminal
That did not work. Checking the logrus repo I found out that the version
on master has wasip1
support. Let’s update the dependencies:
$ go get -u ./...
$ go get github.com/sirupsen/logrus@dd1b4c2e81afc5c255f216a722b012ed26be57df
go: upgraded github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.3 => v1.9.4-0.20230606125235-dd1b4c2e81af
With these changes the code compiles now:
$ cd cmd/rabtap && GOOS=wasip1 GOARCH=wasm gotip build -o ../../bin/rabtap-wasm && cd -
$ ls -lh bin
total 21M
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 jdelgado jdelgado 7.1M Jun 22 22:36 rabtap
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 jdelgado jdelgado 14M Jun 25 21:45 rabtap-wasm
but does not work:
$ wasirun bin/rabtap-wasm -- --api "http://guest:guest@localhost:15672/api" info --verbose
ERROR[0000] failed retrieving info from rabbitmq REST api: Get
"http://guest:***@localhost:15672/api/vhosts": dial tcp: lookup localhost:
Protocol not available
To fix the Protocol not available
error, everywhere where we open a socket
connection, we need to pass in a WASI compatible Dial
function. That is what
stealthrocket/net provides.I created
two platform dependent files defining a Dial
function each, one for
) and one for all other GOOS
//go:build wasip1
package rabtap
import (
var Dial = wasip1.Dial
And the non-GOOS=wasip1
version (dial.go
) which uses the standard net.Dial
//go:build !wasip1
package rabtap
import (
var Dial = net.Dial
Rabtap creates socket connections to open
AMQP connections to a RabbitMQ broker
and and to speak to the REST service of the RabbitMQ management interface.
Everywhere where we create a socket connection, we must explictly use our
function, e.g. to create the AMQP connection we
use (example from dial_tls.go
return amqp.DialConfig(uri, amqp.Config{
Heartbeat: defaultHeartbeat,
TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
Locale: defaultLocale,
SASL: sasl,
Dial: Dial, // <--- new
similary we specify the Dial
function when we create a http.Client
tr := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
DisableCompression: false,
Dial: Dial} // <--- new
client := &http.Client{Transport: tr, Timeout: ... }
Let’s try to run the application again. This time the program just hangs after
opening the connection. Some debugging showed that my SIGINT
handler seems to
not to play nicely with WASM/WASI. Without further investigation, we exclude
this code (signal.go
) from the WASM build:
//go:build !wasip1
package main
import (
func SigIntHandler(ctx context.Context, cancel func()) {
// translate ^C (Interrput) in ctx.Done()
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) // <--- does not play well with WASI, why?
select {
case <-c:
case <-ctx.Done():
Let’s try again if we can establish a connection with these changes:
$ RABTAP_APIURI="http://guest:guest@localhost:15672/api"
$ wasirun bin/rabtap-wasm -- --api "$RABTAP_APIURI" info --verbose
http://localhost:15672/api (broker ver='3.9.9', mgmt ver='3.9.9', cluster='rabbit@30d7f962eccf')
└─ Vhost /
├─ amq.direct (exchange(direct), [D])
├─ amq.fanout (exchange(fanout), [D])
├─ amq.headers (exchange(headers), [D])
├─ amq.match (exchange(headers), [D])
├─ amq.rabbitmq.trace (exchange(topic), [D|I])
└─ amq.topic (exchange(topic), [D])
Voilà, reading the REST API works now, excellent. Note that since we can not
directly access environment variables, we need to pass the URL with
option, although rabtap normally uses the environment variable
directly. Let’s also check the AMQP part. We run the following
command in the first console (taps to the amq.topic
exchange and waits for
$ RABTAP_AMQPURI="amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"
$ wasirun bin/rabtap-wasm -- --uri "$RABTAP_AMQPURI" tap amq.topic:# --verbose
DEBUG[0000] waiting for new session on amqp://guest:xxxxx@localhost:5672/
DEBUG[0000] got new amqp session ...
The AMQP connection could be established. In another console we now
publish a message, which we expect to be delivered by RabbitMQ to the first
instance above:
$ echo "hello" | wasirun bin/rabtap-wasm -- --uri "$RABTAP_AMQPURI" pub --exchange amq.topic
Back on the first console we see that the message was received:
$ wasirun bin/rabtap-wasm -- --uri "$RABTAP_AMQPURI" tap amq.topic:#
------ message received on 2023-06-18T20:12:10Z ------
exchange.......: amq.topic
AMQP works also, another job well done ;)
WASM is a promising portable binary code format allowing for platform
independent programs. Porting my golang rabtap command line application did
not take much time. The hardest part was to find the problems that the SIGINT
signal handler caused (reasons unknown), the most important change was to use
specific Dial
functions to establish socket connections. Staring the WASM
version of the app takes a noticable higher time (also the size of the WASM
binary doubled to 14MB compared to the x86_64 version), the overall performance
of the WASM version in comparison to the native version has to be assessed.
While the application works, reading environment variables must be enabled
explicitly, and detecting if stdout
is a terminal (needed to enable colored
output) is also not supported, but is not really needed. I’ll release the
changes with the upcoming 1.39
version of