Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022 Jan Delgado
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Non-blocking LED controlling library

A pure python port of JLed (

* Author(s): Jan Delgado

from .jled_sequence import JLedSequence

[docs]def play(*leds, seq=False): """play puts the given list of objects in a :class:`~jled.jled_sequence.JLedSequence` and runs the effects, until the last effect finished. This function is intended to be used when interactively exploring JLed in the Python REPL. Example:: from jled import JLed, play led1 = JLed(board.LED).blink(500, 250).repeat(5) led2 = JLed(board.GP2).breathe(1000).repeat(5) play(led1, led2) :param leds: list of effects to "play" :param seq: set to True to play effects sequentially. When False (default), effects will be played in parallel. """ seq = JLedSequence.sequential(leds) if seq else JLedSequence.parallel(leds) while seq.update(): pass